ATM Youth Network conduct Learning Session on Human Rights and IPRA
Alyansa Tigil Mina | February 16, 2022

On February 12, 2021, the youth arm of Alyansa Tigil Mina held a learning session on Human Rights and the Indigenous People’s Rights Act. Participated by almost 90 attendees from across the country, the session was conducted from from 9 AM to 4 PM.
Van Vergara Nuguit of the Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) led the discussion on human rights. He started off with the historical roots of human rights, tracing it back to ancient times up to the present international and national laws. The various principles of human rights were also tackled.
Meanwhile, Atty. Ryan Roset of Legal Rights and Natural Resources (LRC) walked through how the ownership of ancestral lands evolved up to the enactment of the IPRA. He outlined the various rights of indigenous groups, including the principle of free prior and informed consent.
After each of the discussion of the resource speakers, an open forum was held to answer and clarify questions from the participamts. A break-out session was also conducted to cull the learnings of the attendees from the main discussions.
The learning session was a first of series of discussions for ATM youth members in preparation for its ATM Youth General Assembly.
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