ATM reaction on PBBM’s instruction to strengthen DENR regulatory powers over mining
ATM Statement | November 22, 2022

ATM welcomes the instruction of Pres. Marcos to the DENR to strengthen its regulatory powers over mining projects. Both mining laws that regulate small-scale and large-scale mining are outdated and not designed to ensure safety of small-scale miners nor respond to the challenges of climate change or impacts.
We hope that Sec. Yulo-Loyzaga will consider publicly supporting the proposed Alternative Minerals Management Bill (AMMB) in Congress, as a starting point to crafting new policies in mining at the DENR.
Our alliance is also recommending that DENR consult local governments and indigenous communities to help identify policy reforms in effectively managing the country’s mineral resources. It is important that DENR ensure that Filipinos benefit from minerals and that mining does not displace affected communities or bring additional environmental and social problems with their operations.
#RepealMiningAct #ResponsibleMiningIsFakeNews #BanOpenPitMining __ Visit us on: Facebook: Alyansa Tigil Mina (@alyansatigilmina) Twitter: @atm_philippines Instagram: @atm_philippines Youtube: Alyansa Tigil Mina