Appeal for support on Offline Petition to CANCEL OCEANAGOLD'S MINING CONTRACT

#EndMininginDidipio anti-mining campaign has taken off!
As we speak, communities in Didipio, Nueva Vizcaya are barricading the gates of OceanaGold Philippines Incorporated. The mining company's Financial and Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) has expired last June 20, 2019. Its operation's negative social, environmental, and water, and human rights violations has taken a toll on the lives of locals.
Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) would like to ask for your support and possible collection of signatures for the physical / offline petition.
Milestone date: This will be submitted to DENR on July 19, 2019.
There are onging signature campaigns for this in other parts of the country, and other international platforms. Petition gathering will continue even after July 19, and will be used to support the complaints of DESAMA, Didipio Watch, and other local groups supporting the Nueva Vizcayan community.
1. Print
briefer (page 1)
few copies of the petition form (page 2)
simple placard. design document is attached.
Download materials here:
2. Ask friends, colleagues, family and/or community members, students, (everyone!) etc. to sign the petition.
3. Document the signing by taking pictures of the petitionees signing, and with the placard.
4. Scan the signed forms if outside of Manila and email to If within the Metro, we can pick it up from you.
5. Send to us scanned receipts of the printing, scanning, and basic transportation so we can reimburse you.
Your efforts will surely empower our protesters in Didipio, and give a louder voice to our demands from DENR and NCIP.
Also, you may sign and share the online petition: